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Alchemists: Lab Equipment

平台:iOS            收费:免费

类型:益智解谜            热度:
年龄要求: 4+


- minor bug fixes


This is a supplementary app for board game Alchemists from Czech Games Edition. It allows players to scan ingredient cards from the board game to find out what potions they can create.

It also help players who do not have the board game, but are interested in the mechanics, to learn the rules or the game. And they can even experience the mixing of potions and try out their skills as academics. So if that's your case follow these steps:

1. Tap [settings], then under Ingredients selection: chose \"Select by hand\". From now on, you won't need to scan actual cards, you will just chose them mechanically.

2. Tap [Start new game], this will randomize correct solutions.

3. Tap [Drink Potion] to perform your first test. Choose any two ingredients you wish and tap [confirm] to combine them. They will give you a certain color and sign. Note the result.

4. Repeat step 3 as many times as needed, to find out what ingredient contains what alchemical.

How many tests do you need to perform to find out all correct answers?

To check if all your answers are correct, tap [Final round] and then [Show answers].

If you want to find out more about the rules of the game, you can also tap the INFO button to learn everything there is about mixing potions.x

开发者:Czech Games Edition






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